Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I have never volunteered with Habitat for Humanity before, but as a group, myself and other students from the Pharmacology Masters program at Tulane University participated in two builds this month. This was a great opportunity to not only give back to the community, but to get to know my classmates a little better. With three part-time jobs, I don't get many opportunities to spend time with my classmates outside of the lecture hall.

Taking a quick picture break from leveling dirt in the backyard at our first build. I call it a "service selfie".

Trying to recreate "American Gothic" with my new friend Trent.

A snapchat I received from one of our classmates of Zeinab working hard at the build.

Before starting the Masters Program, I assumed that many of my classmates would be like me, coming from an undergraduate career at Tulane, looking forward to continuing life in this great city. Little did I know that I would meet so many interesting people from all over the country (and world; we have one classmate from Canada and another from Senegal) who had never been to New Orleans before. Lucky for me, I love to show off my city and talk about it all of the time, especially to newcomers. It has been a lot of fun showing my new friends and classmates some of my favorite things to do in my favorite place in the world. 

Although I love taking new friends to some of my old favorite places, I've had fun exploring new activities with my classmates as well! I've driven for a few field trips to Hong Kong Food Market out in the West Bank, which is a great Asian-style grocery store. They also sell some of the tastiest (and cheapest at $3-4 per sandwich) banh mi in town! Between that and their crazy vegetable and produce selection, I seem to be going almost every weekend! I'm taking my dad there when he comes to visit in a few days. 

Another activity that I am now interested in along with a few classmates is yoga. I hostess at a John Besh restaurant near school, and one of the girls I work with there is a yoga instructor who teaches a class every Saturday at Jennifer Coolidge's (famous actress/comedian) historic garden district home. I've been busy the past few Saturdays, and my classmates have been going without me! I'm sad I can't make it every time, but I'm glad I can help my new friends find new activities and things to do that they like in my hometown. New Orleans is known for its hospitality, and I hope that I can help show the best parts of the city to some of its newest residents. 

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